Astral Realm Guidance.
distance healing FAQs
Distance Healing Resources
What can I expect from my first session?
Distance sessions are a 1:1 healing experience from the comfort of your home. During the session it is helpful to find a place of stillness for the duration of session to receive the healing energies being sent.
Some prefer to find stillness in a place of meditation, sitting or lying down in a quiet space. You may choose to incorporate any spiritual tools or sacred items you feel called to (incense, oils, candles, crystals, soft music etc). These are not necessary for the healing energy to work, however some find it beneficial to help create their sacred healing space. Allow yourself to use your intuition and do what feels right for your experience. Ultimately it isn’t necessary to be present to receive the healing energy (more on this below), however it is a welcomed idea to allow yourself some space for your healing journey.
How does distance healing energy work?
Healing energy is omnipresent. Energy knows no distance of time nor space. Time and space is a concept of our physical world. Energy healing is able to transcend the physical, by spanning all time lines (past, present and future). Energy healing uses the energetic principles of quantum physics.
Will I feel anything during the session?
Distance healing is a very unique and individual experience. You may notice that no two experiences are alike, that is the beauty of energy healing work. Some clients report feeling similar physical sensations to that of in person energy healing (tingling, energy movement, feeling warm or cool sensations etc). Most report feelings of relaxation, peacefulness and calm, similar to meditation. Each session is unique to the receiver and our bodies process energy in miraculous ways, this applies to distance healing as well.
Is this session over skype or zoom?
The healing session is your sacred time to focus inward or spend it however you choose. You will receive a confirmation message at the beginning and end of your healing session. After this time, if you choose, you will receive a full detailed healing report via email with the details of the session. If you choose to follow up with a phone call a written report will not be provided. Depending on the type of healing session, length etc. your healing report will be sent within a few hours of your session. At times more detailed sessions may require a follow up phone call to fully explain the energy of the session.
How do I know which type of distance session is right for me?
If you’re unsure of which type of distance session would be most beneficial, we invite you to browse the description of each individual session for details. Allow your intuition to guide you to which session would be in your greatest and highest good. Often times these answers may be very clear, however if you are ever unsure please reach out and we would be happy to make a recommendation!
Why distance healing?
Distance healing is an amazing modality which allows us to connect regardless of geographical location, schedules and other physical time constraints. Some find it simpler to connect through distance work for flexibility in their schedules etc. Distance healing allows us to connect on many levels, past life energy, ancestral healing, past current life energy etc. It gives us the opportunity to have a real in-depth look at the energy that is coming forward to support your healing journey.
Distance work also allows you to continue to holding the space for yourself for as long as needed after your session as you’d like. You may continue to reflect on anything that came forward for yourself during the session by meditation or journaling, or simply sitting with your own thoughts before returning to the rest of your day. Distance healing allows you to customize your healing experience in a way that feels best for you at this time. Take as much or as little time as you need, you are allowed to take up more space in your own life!
If you have any further questions, please reach out!